Workplace giving
Workplace giving is a joint relationship between employers, employees and charities. Individuals contribute a small portion of their pre-tax salary to charity and receive the tax benefit straight away rather than waiting until the end of financial year. For example, if you donate $20, it will only cost you $12.60 but the charity will receive the full $20. In most cases, employers will match staff donations, so the value of your donation will double to $40 direct to the charity of your choice.
The most successful way to increase donations is for workplaces to match donations. Businesses can enhance the impact of their workplace giving program by incorporating volunteering, skill-sharing and in-kind support.*
are you Interested in learning more about how to sign up your workplace to Workplace Giving.
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Head and Neck Cancer Australia is registered on the following workplace giving platform. Sign up today and make Head and Neck Cancer Australia your charity of choice.
Source: Workplace Giving Australia .